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  • master | main: For production releases.

  • develop: For next release development.

  • Available branch prefixes for developers :

    • feat: For new feature to develop. Or anything else which not fit into other prefixes below.
    • release: When release cycle is over. Features ready to ship are kept here. Freeing develop branch for next cycle.
    • fix: For new bug to fix or hotfix required on master branch.
    • doc: To improve or update developer documentation.
    • test: To add or update unit tests or E2E tests.

    Each branch must link to a work item in your ticketing system. Except for “release” which must link to a version of the application.

Feature branch

From : develop

Each new feature should reside in its own branch, which can be pushed to the central repository for backup and collaboration.

When a feature is complete and tested, it gets merged back into develop. Features never interact directly with master.

When a feature is way behind develop because of a long development process, merge develop into the feature branch to stay tuned.

git checkout develop
git checkout -b feat/#245/csv-export

Release branch

From : develop

Once develop has acquired enough features for a release or a predetermined release date is approaching, you fork a release branch off of develop.

Creating this branch starts the next release cycle, so no new features can be added after this point, only bug fixes, documentation generation, and other release-oriented tasks should go in this branch.

Once it’s ready to ship, the release branch gets merged into master and tagged with a version number. In addition, it should be merged back into develop, which may have progressed since the release was initiated.

Using a dedicated branch to prepare releases makes it possible for one team to polish the current release while another team continues working on features for the next release. It also creates well-defined phases of development.

The release version name must follow the Semantic versionning rules

git checkout develop
git checkout -b release/0.1.0

Bugfix branch

From : develop

Each new bug should reside in its own branch, which can be pushed to the central repository for backup and collaboration.

When a bugfux is complete and tested, it gets merged back into develop. Bugfixes never interact directly with master.

git checkout develop
git checkout -b fix/#456/export-button-color

Hotfix branch

From : master

Used to quickly patch production releases.

This is the only branch that should fork directly off of master. As soon as the fix is complete, it should be merged into both master and develop (or the current release branch), and master should be tagged with an updated version number.

Having a dedicated line of development for bug fixes lets your team address issues without interrupting the rest of the workflow or waiting for the next release cycle.

git checkout master
git checkout -b fix/#344/wrong-email-regex

Refactor branch

From : develop

Useful technical debt reduction, ESlint/SonarQube fix,

Each refactor should reside in its own branch, which can be pushed to the central repository for backup and collaboration.

When refactor is complete and tested, it gets merged back into develop. Tests never interact directly with master.

git checkout develop
git checkout -b feat/#426/export-csv-class

Doc branch

From : develop

Each documentation update should reside in its own branch, which can be pushed to the central repository for backup and collaboration.

Doc branch is only for developer documentation in order to improve collabortation in the team. User documentation update has to be developed in a feature branch.

When documentation is complete, it gets merged back into develop. Documentations never interact directly with master.

git checkout develop
git checkout -b doc/#112/user-erd

Test branch

From : develop

Each test update should reside in its own branch, which can be pushed to the central repository for backup and collaboration.

When test is complete, it gets merged back into develop. Tests never interact directly with master.

git checkout develop
git checkout -b test/#821/csv-export

Build branch

From : develop

Each build update should reside in its own branch, which can be pushed to the central repository for backup and collaboration.

When build is complete and tested, it gets merged back into develop. Builds never interact directly with master.

git checkout develop
git checkout -b feat/#514/gitbranchvalidator